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The original multi-strain Bio-Kult product containing 14 strains of probiotics for everyday use. Bio-Kult contains 14 strains of beneficial bacteria, helping reach more areas of your gut. This ensures you have more chance of maintaining a healthy digestive and immune system. Bio-Kult is suitable for adults and children. Suitable for vegetarians, pregnant women and children. Gluten-free. To use: 1-2 capsules once or twice daily (or as recommended by your doctor or healthcare practitioner) Children under 12 take half the adult dose. Ingredients: Cellulose, Probiotic cultures, Vegetable Capsule (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) goo.gl/9M8ToR

Got this for a dose of antibiotic induced C Diff I had. It seemed to help get me over it and lessen the vicious effects and stop it from being very serious.
However, the probiotic yeast s. boulardii, which is not in this product, (bacteria and yeast don't get on too well), is the scientifically proven aid for overcoming C Diff
In combination with a yogurt maker I find I can use only a tiny single grain of live bacteria from a tablet and it makes an almost inexhaustable starter and multi year supply of the lacto-bacteria! Very pleased.

if you want to see more click this link .thank you


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